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Olga prowadziła 2 webinary dla pracowników naszej firmy. Oba zebrały bardzo dobre feedbacki. Olga ma ogromną wiedzę na temat neuroróżnorodności: ADHD  jak i spektrum autyzmu, potrafi w bardzo przystępny, klarowny i ciekawy sposób przekazać wiedzę począwszy od teorii, badań, przez nowinki po wiedzę o praktycznych sposobach radzenia sobie z kłopotami wynikającymi z innego funkcjonowania mózgu.

Olga świetnie reagowała na pytania od uczetników, potrafiła zawsze dać wyczerpującą i satysfakcjonującą odpowiedź. Była uważna na wątpliwości uczestników a tak, że potrafiła zarządzić prowadzeniem części merytorycznej wraz z jednoczesnym odpowiadaniem na pojawiające się pytania uczestników. Polecam Olgę bardzo serdecznie :)”

Ewelina Kozimor/HR Business Partner/Xebia Poland


Baltic Power Sp. Z o. o. as part of it’s investment in the welfare of it’s team members ran a bespoke Mental Health First Aid at Work course for a selected group of colleagues. The training delivered by Mrs Olga Mac covered all the required elements of Mental Health First Aid at Work to equip our team with a ‘toolbox’ of knowledge, skills and techniques to offer our team support and guidance if and when they need it. Mrs Mac whilst delivering to the training syllabus offered a dynamic and tailored approach to the course ensuring that the training was fully fit for purpose in what is a dynamic environment within which we operate. Offering a highly professional yet friendly and personal approach, Mrs Mac is highly recommend for corporate organisations seeking top class training for their employees”

Nick Ingham/Deputy EPCI Director/Baltic Power Sp. z o. o.


Podczas współpracy z firmą Mental Health at Work pani Olga Mac od sierpnia 2022 roku do maca 2024 realizowała projekt wsparcia psychologicznego dla wybranych grup zawodowych pracowników naszej firmy. Współpraca z Panią Olgą przebiegała bardzo dobrze a pani Olga dała się poznać jako osoba, która znajdowała zrozumienie w sytuacjach, które tego wymagały a w razie potrzeby proponowała również rozwiązania. Polecamy Mental Health at Work jako partnera a Panią Olgę Mac jako specjalistkę z zakresu usług dotyczących wsparcia psychologicznego.

Ewa Boguszewska/ Dyrektor Biura Zarządzania Zasobami Ludzkimi/PKP Intercity S.A.


Mental Health at Work prowadzi telefoniczne konsultacje psychologiczne dla naszej organizacji. Rozmowy są anonimowe i poufne, cieszą się dużą popularnością. Polecamy Mental Health at Work . Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni ze współpracy na poziomie organizacyjnym i formalnym


Anna Sękowska/ Sekretarz Rady/Okręgowa Izba Radców Prawnych w Warszawie


W czerwcu 2023 roku Pani Olga Mac przeprowadziła warsztaty z psychologii sportu dla Reprezentacji Polski na Juniorskie Mistrzostwa Świata Debat. Jeszcze przed spotkaniem Pani Olga dała się poznać jako kontaktowa, chętna do współpracy i zaangażowana osoba. Same zajęcia dotyczyły zrozumienia mechanizmów powstawania stresu, redukcji napięcia i przygotowania rutyny mentalnej na zawody. Bardzo doceniamy zarówno profesjonalnie przygotowane materiały jak i otwarte, swobodne prowadzenie zajęć w grupie młodzieży. W trakcie 6 godzinnego warsztatu pojawiały się zarówno części wykładowe jak i praktyczne ćwiczenia pozwalające nam od razu wypróbować różne techniki relaksacyjne. Dziękujemy i polecamy!

Marianna Wesołowska / główna trenerka reprezentacji Polski na Juniorskie Mistrzostwa Świata Debat / Fundacja Polska Debatuje 


We would like to thank Mental Health at Work for conducting the certification process at SoftServe Poland Sp. z o. o. The process included a thorough analysis of the actions we make for the mental well-being of our employees, their assessment and presentation of recommendations and improvements that we can introduce in this area in our company


Our company places great emphasis on implementing solutions that support the employee in the proper functioning of their physical and mental health as well as social relations, treating this activity as an integral part of our organizational culture. We can see that it helps everyone, because it gives the opportunity to support, and on the other hand, it allows you to maintain efficiency at work and the implementation of tasks by employees.


Taking care of the positive emotions of our employees, we monitor their commitment on a quarterly basis and introduce corrective actions; we know how important it is to feel meaningful in doing our work and to celebrate our achievements and successes together.


In order to be sure that our actions are in line with good practices and recommendations of experts in this field, we decided to invite Mental Health at Work to an internal audit. We can attest to the full professionalism of the certifying company, very reliable data collection procedures, as well as high-quality analysis of results and recommendations that we will certainly try to implement. During the entire process, we could count on full advisory and technical support.


With full awareness and great joy, we recommend Mental Health at Work as an experienced and conscientious consultant in the field of mental health care for employees.

Magdalena Długosz/HR Manager/Infoprojekt Sp. z o. o.


Z okazji Dnia Wypalenia Zawodowego postanowiłam zorganizować pracownikom firmy szkolenie na temat dbałości o swoje zdrowie psychiczne. Trafiłam na firmę Mental Health at Work i panią Olgę Mac.

Kontakt z panią Olgą od samego początku był bardzo dobry. Pomogła nam wybrać odpowiednią ofertę, formę i tematykę szkoleń, dostosowaną do naszych potrzeb.

Webinar i warsztaty, gdyż na taką formę się zdecydowaliśmy, były przeprowadzone w sposób bardzo profesjonalny. Pani Olga jest osobą potrafiącą nawiązać kontakt z uczestnikami szkolenia i zachęcić ich do interakcji, więc nie był to standardowy „wykład”, ale wspólna praca.

Feedback jaki zebrałam po szkoleniu od kolegów i koleżanek z pracy także jest bardzo pozytywny. Podobała im się sama inicjatywa, a także poruszana tematyka, wskazówki jak redukować stres.

W codziennym zabieganym życiu czasem zapominamy o tym, aby zadbać o swoje zdrowie psychiczne. Takie szkolenia to doskonała okazja, aby przypomnieć sobie i innym jak bardzo jest to ważne.

Zdecydowanie polecam!

Paweł Łopatka / Managing Director / SoftServe Poland Sp. z o. o


We would like to thank Mental Health at Work for conducting the certification process at SoftServe Poland Sp. z o. o. The process included a thorough analysis of the actions we make for the mental well-being of our employees, their assessment and presentation of recommendations and improvements that we can introduce in this area in our company


Our company places great emphasis on implementing solutions that support the employee in the proper functioning of their physical and mental health as well as social relations, treating this activity as an integral part of our organizational culture. We can see that it helps everyone, because it gives the opportunity to support, and on the other hand, it allows you to maintain efficiency at work and the implementation of tasks by employees.


Taking care of the positive emotions of our employees, we monitor their commitment on a quarterly basis and introduce corrective actions; we know how important it is to feel meaningful in doing our work and to celebrate our achievements and successes together.


In order to be sure that our actions are in line with good practices and recommendations of experts in this field, we decided to invite Mental Health at Work to an internal audit. We can attest to the full professionalism of the certifying company, very reliable data collection procedures, as well as high-quality analysis of results and recommendations that we will certainly try to implement. During the entire process, we could count on full advisory and technical support.


With full awareness and great joy, we recommend Mental Health at Work as an experienced and conscientious consultant in the field of mental health care for employees.

Paweł Łopatka / Managing Director / SoftServe Poland Sp. z o. o


We would like to thank Mental Health at Work for conducting the certification process at SoftServe Poland Sp. z o. o. The process included a thorough analysis of the actions we make for the mental well-being of our employees, their assessment and presentation of recommendations and improvements that we can introduce in this area in our company


Our company places great emphasis on implementing solutions that support the employee in the proper functioning of their physical and mental health as well as social relations, treating this activity as an integral part of our organizational culture. We can see that it helps everyone, because it gives the opportunity to support, and on the other hand, it allows you to maintain efficiency at work and the implementation of tasks by employees.


Taking care of the positive emotions of our employees, we monitor their commitment on a quarterly basis and introduce corrective actions; we know how important it is to feel meaningful in doing our work and to celebrate our achievements and successes together.


In order to be sure that our actions are in line with good practices and recommendations of experts in this field, we decided to invite Mental Health at Work to an internal audit. We can attest to the full professionalism of the certifying company, very reliable data collection procedures, as well as high-quality analysis of results and recommendations that we will certainly try to implement. During the entire process, we could count on full advisory and technical support.


With full awareness and great joy, we recommend Mental Health at Work as an experienced and conscientious consultant in the field of mental health care for employees.

Paweł Łopatka / Managing Director / SoftServe Poland Sp. z o. o


We would like to thank Mental Health at Work for conducting the certification process at SoftServe Poland Sp. z o. o. The process included a thorough analysis of the actions we make for the mental well-being of our employees, their assessment and presentation of recommendations and improvements that we can introduce in this area in our company


Our company places great emphasis on implementing solutions that support the employee in the proper functioning of their physical and mental health as well as social relations, treating this activity as an integral part of our organizational culture. We can see that it helps everyone, because it gives the opportunity to support, and on the other hand, it allows you to maintain efficiency at work and the implementation of tasks by employees.


Taking care of the positive emotions of our employees, we monitor their commitment on a quarterly basis and introduce corrective actions; we know how important it is to feel meaningful in doing our work and to celebrate our achievements and successes together.


In order to be sure that our actions are in line with good practices and recommendations of experts in this field, we decided to invite Mental Health at Work to an internal audit. We can attest to the full professionalism of the certifying company, very reliable data collection procedures, as well as high-quality analysis of results and recommendations that we will certainly try to implement. During the entire process, we could count on full advisory and technical support.


With full awareness and great joy, we recommend Mental Health at Work as an experienced and conscientious consultant in the field of mental health care for employees.

Paweł Łopatka / Managing Director / SoftServe Poland Sp. z o. o


We are pleased to provide references to Ms Anna Leśnikowska-Jaros and Olga Mac from Mental Health at Work, for conducting the webinar entitled "Depressed mood or already depressive symptoms?" The interesting topic and dynamic form aroused great interest and recognition of our employees, who received a reliable portion of knowledge and useful tools.

We are very pleased with the course of cooperation, including the professional training approach and flexibility in responding to our needs. In every respect, both substantive and organizational, the cooperation was at the highest possible level.

We look forward to further cooperation and recommend Mental Health at Work as a provider of psychological development services.

Shibsted Tech Polska 


Metal Health at Work, in the period 07-12.2020, implemented for our team a process supporting the company in change, in terms of cooperation between teams and employees. We participated in the process of examining the needs, organizational culture workshops, skills improvement workshops and individual psychological support sessions.

Mr Olga Mac and Anna Leśnikowska-Jaros perfectly recognized our needs and prepared an adequate strategy that allowed us to implement changes in a systemic manner.

We are very pleased with the course of the cooperation, in particular, it concerns an individual approach, extensive substantive knowledge and the synergy effect of all actions taken. Additionally, we value a nice atmosphere and openness that helped us achieve our goals.

Jarosław Moczak / Managing Director / Panasonic Electric Works Europe 


After the first month of cooperation with Mental Health at Work, members of our team insisted that this benefit should stay with us for a long time. The support offered by Mental Health is very flexible - our international team can use consultations in Polish as well as in English. Anyone can anonymously benefit from advice and consultation, but also start more regular meetings with a psychotherapist - which also addresses the various needs of our employees. We are very satisfied with the quality of services, but also with how flexible and trouble-free our cooperation is. We definitely recommend it!

Martyna Łapaj / HR Specialist / Tribe47


At the beginning of 2021, our employees benefited from the support of Metal Health at Work psychologists as part of the campaign promoting care for their full health, including mental well-being. The action was preceded by an extensive information campaign for all employees of our company, prepared and supported by Mrs. Anne Lesnikowska Jaros and Olga Mac.

Thank you for your support in this difficult period of life and functioning in a pandemic. We are very pleased with the organization and the course of cooperation. We highly recommend psychological help provided by Metal Health at Work.

Mariola Szczepaniak / Co-owner / ZPS Jamar

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